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What People Say. 

Tatsuhiko and Keiko, Japan

皆様の強力なサポートは、TCS でのこのような素晴らしい体験に貢献する最大の要因の 1 つです。感謝の言葉もありません。彼はあなたとあなたの家族に出会えてとても幸運です。

Your Strong support is one of the biggest factors contributing  to  such a good experience at TCS. We have no words to express our gratitude. He is very fortunate to have met you and your family.

Ozlem und Joachim, Germany

Jacqueline Mann war eine ausgezeichnete Wahl als Guardian für unsere Kinder, da sie sich in hohem Maße um das Wohlergehen jedes einzelnen Kindes kümmert.  Auch für uns als Eltern war sie stets erreichbar und hat uns durch ihr hohes persönliches Engagement immer ein gutes und beruhigendes Gefühl vermittelt.

Jacqueline Mann was an excellent choice as Guardian for our children as she cares deeply about the well-being of each child.  She was also always available to us as parents and always gave us a good and reassuring feeling thanks to her high level of personal commitment.

Xiao Qin, Shanghai,China


In a strange country, it is really important and good for adolescent children and their temporarily absent parents to have a local adult who cares and guides the children not only as a guardian, but also as a mother. . Choosing Jacqueline as my child's guardian is one of the best things I have done in the past four years. I am grateful for the help she has given me and my daughter this year, and sincerely recommend her to other children and their parents.

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